Getting Started

Things you need to know before touching the robot

If you don't know what you are doing, read the wiki first. If you still don't know what you're doing or are unsure, ask Junaed or Michael. 


Vision stack: One of two computers inside Minnebot. Responsible for sensors, navigation, and most higher-level processing. This is the only one of the two computers inside Minnebot you should connect to or run things on.

Control stack: One of two computers inside Minnebot. Responsible for controlling the hardware that allows Minnebot to swim.  You should not have to do anything on the control stack in normal operation.

OCU: The laptop used as our terminal to Minnebot.

Accounts and Passwords:

The vision stack, control stack, and OCU all have accounts named aqua. In any of your operation with the robot, you should be using those accounts. The passwords to those acounts can be obtained (if nessecary) by talking with Junaed.