SUIM dataset

Dataset for semantic segmentation of underwater imagery. 


Object category Symbol RGB color code
Background (waterbody) BW 000 (black)
Human divers HD 001 (blue)
Aquatic plants and sea-grass PF 010 (green)
Wrecks and ruins WR 011 (sky)
Robots (AUVs/ROVs/instruments) RO 100 (red)
Reefs and invertebrates RI 101 (pink)
Fish and vertebrates FV 110 (yellow)
Sea-floor and rocks SR 111 (white)

Folder structure:

  • train_val/ contains 1525 paired samples for training/validation
    • images/: RGB images of underwater scenes
    • masks/: segmentation labels
      • Each RGB color represents a different object category
      • Further details in the paper (Section III)  
  • TEST/ contains 110 paired samples for benchmark evaluation
    • images/: RGB test images
    • masks/: ground truths labels
      • Combined RGB masks are provided
      • Individual binary masks are also provided in separate folders
  • Benchmark_Evaluation/ contains all the experimental data for the SOTA models